Roof Window Opening Options
We offer various opening options including Automated Roof Windows. Read through our automated roof window options below.
Cat Winder Opener
The Cat Winder opener, opens to a maximum height of 280mm. The Cat Winder is chain operated.
Folding Opener
The folding roof window opener, opens to a maximum height of 200mm. The roof window is either opened or closed.
Electric Motor
The Electric opening roof window opens to a maximum height of 350mm. The motor can be operated via a switch or remote. Like the Cat Winder, the motor is chain operated.
Wind and Rain Monitor
The wind and rain monitor is situated on the roof. It is activated to close your roof window automatically with the occurrence of wind and rain. Settings are adjustable.
Lumero Tel
The Lumero Tel is a single channel radio transmitter. It is used to open and close the roof window remotely. This is used for one roof window. Other options are available.